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This page is for anonymous public messages. If you'd like to e-mail me directly, see here for my contact info.

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I can change cookies at will it's like being a shapeshifter

If your signature algorithm is something home grown and not just like, RSA or something I could maybe even find a way to trick it and forge cookies without being revealed as an impersonator. By signing my own cookie.

That last sentence sounds like a dirty joke.

• from f4e7f44a7d623d20

It's just hash('sha224', $mail_cookie . $sig_secret), but DAMN, that's a good idea! Maybe in a future overhaul, things will become a little more interesting.

I hope it's okay but I've been saving my old cookies with Burp Suite CE, so I can reuse them later

They're saved in the most persistent digital storage format: An unsaved text file in Windows Notepad that I will simply never close

• from 6ba5950e131a7474

Yeah, of course! I actually sort of expected people to do that sometimes if they wanted to keep an old identity alive.

Hey can I order uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

• from 1c391d5f7c580271

Sorry, ice cream machine's broken.

Opinion on cock?

• impersonating Cock Enjoyer

I've already answered this several times, I think they're the greatest invention since sliced bread, and a shining monument to humanity's accomplishments. Truly we are blessed to live in a world where the beauty and elegance of a cock can be appreciated.

*hands you some penis*

• from eeae7d0ba95bb736

How much penis is some penis? For that matter, what unit would you use to quantify an amount of penis? Inches? Grams? Litres? Parts per million???

I could really go for a sandwich right about now. So instead I'll ask you if you have... any favourite sandwiches I guess?

• from f00422bd184c4853

boy sandwich (take 2 boys, place in bed, get crushed between them)

It's a classic, of course! Along with the "queer with long magic hair held by evil Twitter user in a castle to be freed by rebellious Fedi user" story! You remember that classic quote, "Shitposter, shitposter, let down your hair"

• from 57c8f7062f824777

Yeah, who could possibly forget?

Melt into a puddle?? No... you have FREED me from my curse... thank you...

• from 57c8f7062f824777

Oh, it's the classic prince gets turned into a frog by Twitter and only a kiss from a Fedi user can change him back story?

Roleplays as a Twitter user. Y'know, as a funny

• from 57c8f7062f824777

*steals your credentials and deactivates your Twitter account, causing you to melt into a puddle as your source of evil power is destroyed*

Or maybe I could ratio your dick i dunno shghsghbshbg 🥺

• from 57c8f7062f824777

Oh god, anything but Twitter user ERP...

Fuck RATIOS how about you ratio my dick 😎

• from 57c8f7062f824777

Gladly! tongue (this was the closest emoticon I had to licking lips)

Anyways enough MATH let's get down to what's important: KISSING

• from 57c8f7062f824777

You really said how about you solve for some bitches

top:switch:bottom ratio?

• from 57c8f7062f824777

Again, no idea. Ideally all three are as high as possible though.

Is there a top:bottom polycule ratio

• from 57c8f7062f824777

I have no idea. A lot of people are probably going to be switches like myself, though, and will fluctuate between the two somewhat randomly - or want to perform both roles at the same time.

Wait shit we're both bottoms aren't we

• from 57c8f7062f824777

That's not exactly accurate, but it's not outright incorrect either.

I wanna kiss boys, you wanna kiss boys :flushed:

• from 57c8f7062f824777

Yeah face with sunglasses I also want to dual-wield thick, meaty cocks :3

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