~keith's Web site

Anonymous mailbox

This page is for anonymous public messages. If you'd like to e-mail me directly, see here for my contact info.

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You can send me an anonymous message below! I'll post my reply on this page, and I might also share it on the Fediverse or Twitter.

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Answered messages

I really want a website like this one that you've made, but I don't know where to start! Do you have tips, a how-to guide, or anything like that? This looks so awesome and i LOVE the design

Well, you'll need to learn HTML and CSS in order to create and style Web pages. MDN Web Docs is a good resource, and I find myself referencing it quite often when I tweak things.
I also use PHP to make my site easier to maintain, and to add interactive elements. You don't need it, though (and some people will say you shouldn't use it, you should be using whatever horrible Node.js framework is the hot new trend this week), I just personally find it useful.
Anyways, I recommend starting out by making small pages and sites in pure HTML and CSS, before you move on to larger things. You don't even need a server or domain name to start - just a good text editor like Geany and a Web browser.
If you reach out to me via the contact info in my about page, I'd be more than happy to give you more advice and assistance - I'm glad I'm not the only one interested in this, lol!

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