~keith's Web site


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Error: Site juniperfox.org not found in ring.

About Furryring

Furryring is a webring for queer furries' personal Web sites.

How to join

Anyone is welcome to join Furryring, as long as they identify as some type of queer furry or furry-adjacent. There is no required level of familiarity with the community – this ring welcomes old and new furs alike. However, Web sites which contain hate speech or bigotry, or are primarily for professional or commercial purposes, will be rejected.

To join Furryring, add the following links to your Web site (replacing example.com with your domain):

Action URL
Previous site https://keithhacks.cyou/furryring.php?prev=example.com
Furryring home https://keithhacks.cyou/furryring.php
Next site https://keithhacks.cyou/furryring.php?next=example.com

I recommend placing these links in your Web site's header or footer, to make it easier for visitors to navigate the ring. However, you can put them anywhere, as long as they're on the home page.

If your site's URL isn't at the root of the domain, replace the slashes with %2F (and URL-encode any other special characters as necessary).

Afterwards, send an e-mail to keith+furryring@keithhacks.cyou containing a link to your Web site, and I'll add you to the ring as soon as I can.

Note: Please don't remove the links from your Web site; doing so breaks the ring, and may cause your site to be removed.

Member list